Wednesday 13 February 2013

Pet Peeves

As much as I hate to admit, it seems that I have become one wretched individual always ranting about someone or something that annoys me terribly!

In ode to that constant emotion, today I will outline some of the things, personalities or conduct that pretty much send me over the edge…you know things that make me go AAAAARRRRGGGGGHHH!!

Now please feel free to agree/disagree, add to the list and/or leave your own expressions:

1) Weed whacking enthusiasts who insist on starting very early in the morning before the sun gets hot and the neighbourhood is awake! This also applies to gardeners using lawn mowers early in the morning which invariably need tuning up.

2) Another disgusting thing is living beside persons who love trees and plant scores of them along the property line thus every single leaf and weird inedible fruit falls over your yard! You have absolutely no trees and yet every week you are dragging out bags and bags of leaves.

b) Neighbours who I call “Capleton” – More Fire!!! That is all they seem to do! Burn, burn, burn! In spite of repeated advisories from the environmentalists re burning open fires this falls on deaf ears. There is always some fire and mostly smoke which comes straight inside your house because these morons put the fire heap right up against the wall!

3) Tilers – these psychos delight in tiling their homes at midnight and so you are forced to listen to the nagging sounds of blades as tiles are cut as well as the loud knocking of the tiles - bottom line they make PURE NOISE!!!!

4) Night Noise - extremely loud music – to use the term loosely - which cause your windows and doors to shake as your ears are assaulted by lyrics which should never have been recorded in the first place! Add to this an overenthusiastic deejay or selector who LOVES to hear his own voice on the microphone as he shout instructions to his adoring fans.

5) NASTY people – those are individuals who openly SNEEZE and COUGH numerous times, spraying their germs ALL OVER THE PLACE!! YUCK!!! People, cover your noses and your mouths man! SHEESH!! 
Sneeze Illustrated
 Oh, I also cannot stand persons who chew with their mouths open! Especially disgusting if they are engaging you in conversation while chewing a bubble gum!

6) Ill-mannered people – the common courtesies of saying please, thank you, excuse me are totally FOREIGN to this set of persons. “Sell me one Pepsi bubbla Miss Edna”… “Keisha bring di chair come fi mi, mi slippaz dem wet up” …”mummy mi want one bag juice”…”Driva, let me off when yuh reach out a Big Tree corner”  Not to mention those who do not say Good Morning or Good Afternoon or even a simple hello! This crosses all economic and social groups. A scourge of impoliteness has overtaken us!

7) People who DON’T READ! This is not about the inability to read as in the case of someone illiterate but someone who just does not read! The result is that they do stupid things or ask stupid questions! THAT is annoying. Example, you walk into a Western Union which has numerous signs posted stating that cell phone use is strictly prohibited and explains that includes texting, using BB etc. 
No Cell Phones Allowed
You are in line waiting patiently when you hear the loud melodious ring tone of someone’s cell phone:

“Yeah, wha a gwaan my dog? Yuh good?” (A talking dog?...hmmmm who would have thought…but why would you call your friend a dog? What will it be next? “What happening mi John Crow?”)
“...yeah man, mi suppose fi check Peta ‘bout di part fi de truck but ‘im no reach a di garage yet…No mi no deh a mi yard, mi deh a Western Union now a make a pick-up…”

Even our stares and eye-rolls did nothing to stop this man from carrying on his conversation until the security walks up to him and points his attention to the BIG sign forbidding all cell phone use. People, I implore you to READ  as it makes your life and ours easier.

Of course I could go on and on for another 500 words but I will restrain myself otherwise I might just end up on your list of most annoying people of 2013!

What's your list of pet peeves?


  1. I hate when people use the toilet and dont flush!!!

    1. Yes, that is definitely disgusting! Worse than that is when they don't flush and dont WASH THEIR HANDS! YUCK!

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment!
