Friday 15 February 2013

Just My Imagination...

“Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me)”
                                               ~ The Temptations

All together now, after the count of three
“It was just my imagination…running away with me..
It was just my imag-i-n-a-t-i-o-n, running a-way with me…”

The Temptations are proud of that rendition, believe me!

Okay folks now that I have set the tone for today’s happenings/rantings/report let me see if you have any clue where this is it is not about the 'watcher'...okay so I don’t get out very much thus my topic base is rather restricted but with these guys as neighbors I could write volumes!

Anyway, I noticed that the vehicles were parked in the yard and were not moved…there were no signs of life - rather there was no visible movement taking place. Granted, I don’t know the folks living there as the place seems to be a revolving door with all sorts of tenants moving in and out.

Having seen the cars there, I thought "running late for work”... changes... afternoon...same schucks they didn’t move at all for the day! Day 2 begins and I am out raking my yard tending to my plants...and watching the house - obviously - and still no sign of movements. Surely work time is going; by 8, most working folks who have to beat the traffic are gone. But again, nothing going on and it is almost 10. It might have been the intense heat of the morning sun, with sweat running down my face, coupled with the nagging thirst for something to drink that caused me to become delusional, I don’t know. But it occurred to me that hey, maybe somebody broke in and they are all tied up inside! What if they fell sick and are all over there incapacitated? What if they were victims of carbon monoxide poisoning? Oh wait, we have no chimneys!  Scrap that idea.

Maybe I should round up the cavalry, call the police and then move in to help...then again maybe the police might not respond since this is a case of one neighbor snooping into the movements of another! First I need to just bag the last set of leaves then time to act. While proceeding with the last bag of heavy trash I hear a gate open, then a car engine struggling to start up....once, twice then finally it started, followed by some serious revving...VROOOOOM, VROOOOOM, VROOOOOOOOOOOM, VROOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!! Putter, putter, putter, shuts off... Pulling the bag that weighed more than me as quickly as possible to go and " fast" sorry - to go and "investigate" I hear the vehicle start again, rev up and soon it starts up properly. Abandoning the bag I head to the gate just in time to see one of the vehicles, with is proper owner obviously, snaking its way up the road leaving thick puffs of smoke in its trail! Cough, cough…"so they were not dead or injured after all!!! YAAAAAAAY!" Cough. Cough. By about 2:00 p.m the second vehicle was gone too.

Did it ever  occur to me that maybe these folks (a) had a day off (b) had vehicle troubles (c) might not have been feeling well (d)work flexi-hours (e)all of the above (f) none of the above?  OF COURSE NOT!!! I am paranoid with an overactive imagination, what DID you expect me to think? Besides, I live in a country with a high crime rate!!! Anything is possible…right?

Anyway, somewhat relieved at the developments I went about what I should have been doing in the first place - minding my own business and focusing on my garden.

I am happy to say that I solved another previously unsolved case...I found one of the culprits who have been FEASTING on my plants and killed my red crown of thorns plant! I could not let them kill the other ones I have!!
Crown of Thorns

I first saw the trail and realized that I found the culprit! I must say that this is THE FASTEST moving snail I have ever seen! Before I could go get my weapon of mass snail destruction - SALT- and my Nikkon the creature moved almost out of sight, but I caught up with him and quickly eliminated him from the Greedy Snails Posse.  
The Culprit - Greedy Snails Posse

If he were not so greedy he would have realized that it was daytime and so instead of eating like there is no tomorrow he would have retreated to his hiding place before the sun was up! Too bad for him.

Lily in Bloom
 Does anyone out there actually KNOW how to get rid of these snails?? I have tried various things inclusive of snail pellets
and yet those seemed to have worked in the opposite as they still ate my plants!!
Unless... this pellet thing... was an appetite opener?!!!! hmmmmm...

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