Tuesday 5 February 2013

Lines and Reunion

Ever wondered why we have lines? Why do we have to stand in lines? Why are there white or yellow lines drawn in the roads; lines on the floors in some buildings? Answer: to maintain some level of order. Hence you drive on your side of the road; you stand in line to go on the bus (or should stand in line); wait in line at the bank or Western Union and at the checkout counters at supermarkets, pharmacies etc. etc.

As absurd as it seems, I have to bring to the attention of my fellowmen that standing in line does not mean that your body has to be pressing on the person in front of you. Leave some space. Nobody is going to “jump” in front of you in the line – unless you are waiting to board the last bus leaving the transport center and passengers get a little anxious and start to push – so allow some breathing space…just like a car is supposed to be a car’s length away from the car in front…SIMPLE. If this is done then you will definitely avoid moving slightly only to find that your elbow has hit a soft mass which turns out to be the protruding belly of the man standing right behind you. Fortunately for me, the hombre was too busy cussing about how slow the customer service agents were to even notice that my sharp elbow had grazed him.

Another woman was not so fortunate. As the person in front of her stepped back to allow an elderly man with a walker to pass through the line en route to the exit she inadvertently stepped on the other woman’s foot.

“LAWD JEEEZAS, dis ‘ooman just step pon mi corn toe!” she bawls out.

“Sarry” said the offending party.

“Sarry? Sarry?’ Lawd a massey! Yuh just step back and nat even look say su-maddy stan’ up behind yuh!”

“Den a wha’ yuh want me fi do? Me done hapologize already, yuh lucky!” she grumbles.

At this point, I think to myself, yes she is INDEED fortunate because she could have lost her toe given that the woman who stepped on her foot is more heavy-set AND she is wearing some serious stiletto heels. 

Of course, it didn’t help that the victim was wearing sandals displaying her beautiful pedicure. I felt her pain, however, were she standing a distance away instead of right next to other woman she would not have been in harm’s way.

The air is thick with tension and I wonder if a verbal clash is about to ensue.

I finally get through and as I am about to exit I spy an old classmate from high school! We were in a number of classes together. I decide to go over and say a quick hello since I am in a hurry! With a big smile and eagerness I walk up to the woman and say “Hi Sophia*, how are you? “

“It’s So’Phia” she scornfully answers.

“Wha’?”  I asked in complete bewilderment. Then, I caught myself JUST IN TIME before blurting out to her “But see yah?!! Coo pon yuh too a pop style about “It’s So’Phia”…all the years in High School you were Sophia and now you want to show off about “So’Phia”.

Actually, after she corrected me on the “new” pronunciation of her name, I only remember hissing my teeth loudly and walking off. I think I left her standing there in puzzlement instead.

That explains why sometimes I am hesitant to acknowledge persons I have known from school days because some of them will embarrass you by acting like they have NEVER seen you before; others will give you the “once over” look to see if a) you look better than them (b) you look as good as them (c) you do not look as good or as prosperous as them – in which case they readily give you a loud shout out.

“Hey Cassandra, how are you?”

“Hey Ellie, good to see you, long time no see!”

“Yes, haven’t seen you in years but I could still recognize you! Love the outfit!”

“Ohhh, hahahahaha, thanks. I try my dear, I try…I just came from the gym but I have an appointment at the spa at 2:30 but I have to pick up my daughter and take her to dancing lessons first”

“You have a daughter? Great!”

“Yes, I have a son too! But the chauffeur will pick him up and take him to chess, he is a good player! His father wants him to get involved in extracurricular activities, you remember Ricardo, right...”

Now, If you happen to meet any of your former schoolmates that you would rather not see, meaning you could not duck safely out of sight fast enough, then please try to at least engage in light conversation, be civilized, but do not let them feel bad about themselves.

Personally, I don’t care if someone is prosperous and wealthy and beautiful. Good for them! I already have my friends who are my friends regardless of my physical, emotional, mental, social or financial status. 

Could this be the reason why so many persons stay away from their High School Reunions??

*Names changed to conceal the identity of the actual persons


  1. Maybe its just one of the reasons

  2. Quite true. My guess it is the major reason.

    Thanks for visiting! :-)
