Wednesday 23 January 2013

What Were They Thinking???

“If you could read my mind love
What a tale my thoughts could tell..”
                            ~ Gordon Lightfoot

Greetings and salutations my long lost ever loyal blog reading addicts!

Based on the constant comments and/or enquiries I realize that some of you are going through terrible withdrawal symptoms which have not gone away in spite of my prolonged “absence”.

Yes, I do MISS you all and I have been exceedingly busy – no I have not run out of things to write about because I live a very colorful and exciting life with the “best” neighbors in the quaintest country in the Caribbean…Besides there is always something for a 40 something single, overworked, overly creative light skinned female to rant and write about!

Firstly, this one is a bit short – by my standards – because I am pressed and stressed for time due to the project(s) I am working on. Besides my butt, now purple from the extended sitting down – has started a revolt and has gotten my legs to join in the fight…bottom line - I need to sleep before proceeding with segment 4 of the translation.

Today’s wonderful quote is an expression of how I was feeling after going through the Half-Way-Tree Transport Center 2 days ago… you see, I really, really, really need to understand what is going on in the minds of my fellow countrymen (and women of course).

Example, WHY oh WHY would a 60 something year old woman, who looks 5 months pregnant, be wearing a sheer top three sizes too small that it barely ketches her belly button? It did not help that her pants were the ones fitting below the belly button…Is it that the focal point is her belly button? Did I miss a belly button ring in there someplace? I was afraid to look! GROSS!

While trying to get over the shocking sight I was just in time to hear the clicking sound of a blind man passing just an arm’s length away. He was moving at a quick pace but alas the poor man apparently was a new user of the white cane as he was wielding it “wildly”. I wonder what HE was thinking. Click, click, click, click then WHACK! Shuffle, shuffle to the left… he just hit a woman on her foot!!! She looked totally bewildered as the man scrambled on. I could not help myself; I thought the sight funny and started smiling slightly…I felt ashamed for a second or two until I realized that a grown-arse man next to me was laughing! What the heck I started to chuckle too!

Talk about SHORT LIVED! While enjoying the “incident”…BAM!! The smile was erased INSTANTLY from my face as I was stabbed in the upper arm! YES!!!!!! I was stabbed in the arm by a passing, extra sharp Double D or something. I almost lost my balance! By the time I turned to see what hit me there was the strapping perp making her way down to catch another bus that had not even entered the station properly! I am almost certain that she was using one of the orange cones that are put in the road by the police or city workers as a bra cause I am SURE Victoria Secrets do not have those types of bras unless it is the biggest secret around town!! I only want to know what she was thinking when she bumped into me and did not bother to apologize…did she even notice that she bumped into me??!! Face it I am not THAT small!!!

Anyway, it could have been a lot worse, right? I could have been stabbed in the eye!!!

I also want to know WHY there is an annoying hissing, rattling sound at the bus stop near Seward Drive. We do NOT have rattlesnakes in Jamaica! Oh I forgot, it’s the CD vendor using a calabash looking shaker to get the attention of potential buyers of his pirated goods… Isn’t it illegal to sell pirated stuff?? I wonder what HE is thinking.

Now, I am wondering what I am thinking in writing a supposedly short blog when I have a project pending and have not slept since Saturday night??!!!