Thursday 24 January 2013

Road Repairs?

Hello there!!!

It's me again, hitting the keyboard to relate some "exciting" news that is going to impact your lives and change the way we look at access to the internet...I am sure by the end of this blog you will be puzzled as to the purpose and why some folks are allowed access to a computer/internet to keep you abreast of stuff you probably don't give two hoots about! Anyway, it’s NEWS for me so by extension you all have to suffer through it!

Before I get to the point of today's report (believe me there is a point here) I have to tell you why at 6:35 a.m. on a rainy morning I am up writing reports. Answer: Ms. Ellie!
You see, Ms. Ellie has an ongoing feud with sleep. So she does not entertain it too much. Now when she goes to her bed early (and she swears she is not sleeping) she wakes up at ALLLLLLLL weird hours of the morning! Now this morning at 5:00 a.m. (conservative estimate) I am jolted from sleep because I hear music, not instrumentals or the type you expect to form the background music in your dreams but music that seems to have been dug out of the RJR music archives! Now the fact that I can hear this music through my closed door and her closed door means it is ALREADY too high!!! Guess what? I don’t have to tune in my radio to hear the news I just listen to hers from the comfort of my is that loud. So Ms. Ellie is the reason behind this early morning rant!!!

Okay here is the big news:- they are fixing MY avenue!!!!!!!! Yes our bottom half!!!!! I tell you this has got to be the biggest news since the Obama Secret Service detail rendezvous with the Colombian call girls! In all my 40 odd years I have never, ever seen them fix the road! Once decades ago they fixed the top half but did not come down here so this is really a FIRST!!!!!!!!!

Needless to say I find it fascinating! Seeing a tractor up close and personal as it removes the overgrown grass road (it did that by itself) and clearing rubble - which they put on our sidewalk - I am watching to see if they are going to remove that later or what! Btw, the tractor sleeps on our sidewalk...

Had I known that they were coming to fix the road I would have taken a few "before" and "after" pix but now you will have to depend on your imaginations and memories of how BAD di pothole dem can be! Some are potholes, then there are the HUGE/DEEP ones which we could easily refer to as sink holes and…you get the general idea.

The “pothole pond” was and still is in front of the gate. Ms. Ellie calls it her "swimming pool". I call it our "pond" and had some great plans to put a couple of fish in there. They have made it "neat" and were to work on it but the rains came down yesterday and all of them scattered!!! You know us Jamaicans fraid of rain like puss!! (speaking of puss …I have not seen or heard from that one that came and woke me up last Wednesday morning, perhaps the black dog did catch up with him/her up the road??)

Aside from the excitement of knowing they are finally fixing the road, my first experience has its down side too like trying to take a nap and the bed shaking like an earthquake because of the jackhammer (for a moment as the sensations ran through my prostrate body I thought that my nerves really, really gone now); trying to focus over the noise of the jack hammer; folks shouting instructions to the driver of the tractor plus people yelling to each other because they can’t communicate properly over all that RUCKUS!
"YOW, YOW, YOW...hold on, hold on go more ova so..."
"Whey de *##$$&***%%% deh?""   (Look, I don't know what the *###$$&***%%% is let alone know where it is) but they seem like a "happy" bunch...oh there is a token female in the group...I think...well she sort of looked like a woman...

The sad part is that I could barely come back home because the morons blocked the top of the road so no entry of vehicles - okay, I guess that is understandable- but with all the equipment, marl, workers and rubble they had put on the sidewalks, there was NO PLACE for me a pedestrian to get back home! I had to go to the bottom of the road and then enter from there hopping, skipping and jumping. This during the rains.
It was messy! But as soon as the showers came down heavier with thunder then they all disappeared faster than Usain Bolt! Remember I told you we Jamaicans 'fraid a rain like puss!

I am hoping they will return early today to finish up the job weather permitting because for now it is in a bad state. The marl they dropped to repair the road a lot of it has washed away.

Now, I have to tell you that they are "patching" the road only. They are not resurfacing the thing so you know in a short while that it will break out in potholes again especially if they do not press it properly. I like to think of it as a botox injection vs a full face lift! See for yourself!


  1. we've all been there!

    rubbish road repairs that is, not botox

  2. Especially those of us unfortunate enough not to have an active MP. Thanks for your comment.
