Wednesday 23 January 2013

Duppy or a Gunman?

"It must be a duppy or a gunman
I man no find out yet
I and I so frighten
All mi dawta name I forget"
                        ~ Ernie Smith  

Hey there!

Please substitute the above lyrics as necessary to reflect what happened to me today! For those of you too young to actually know this song, just take a look at it here on Youtube Duppy or a Gunman Song

Okay friends, this morning I planned to wake up early having gone to bed at 11:00 p.m. working on the project. I set the new “criss” phone to alarm at 3:00 a.m. JUST in case I overslept! Anyway, while I am in my deep slumber I heard a funny sound that made me I jump up out of my sleep!

“Is what dat? That sound!” It can’t possibly be the new smartphone, the alarm’s sound is supposed to play a nice soothing melody...”musical cello” …then I started to drift off to sleep again...then the screeching, moaning sound got louder and louder! Wait, it sounded like somebody talking under my windows!

My big eyes popped open and I immediately wondered if it was a couple of thieves, since  afriend had told me just yesterday about a hold-up on the next I listened keenly…"MEEEEEEEEEE---OOOOOOOWWWWW…MMMMMMMMRRRRRRRRRRRR""" "WAAAAAAAAAAHHH" ...but see yah!!! One PUSS!!! No! Not one but two and they start quarrelling and then all I hear is "skkkkkkkkeeeeehhh"     

What the heck?!! Up I got and went to turn on the lights hoping that they would move! ...Silence! “Good dem gone”...I felt satisfied.

So back to bed after all it was just a little past 2:00 a.m. can still squeeze in one hour....bed…my lovely bed that has not seen me much since Monday. I close my sleepy eyes and there it was again! The BLOOMING cats came back and guess what they were on the verandah and in my flower bed!!! My poor ferns and African violets!!!

Cant allow them to destroy my garden! Not after all that nurturing!! This is NOT a Cat Motel!!! SHEESH!!!

Angrily, I got up turned on the light and OPENED THE DOOR at risk to my life but necessary for my sanity! As soon as the door opened the cats bolted down the driveway and through the gate…next a big black dog came bolting from nowhere and chased one cat up the street. Would not be surprised if the cat lost its nine lives that night!!

Anyway, after that decided to just get up and go to work, what is the point of sleep.  At 6:00 a.m. I went outside to rake up the yard etc. etc. before the sun got too hot and the “unpredictable” garbage truck came. While bending down near Ms. Karambana's fence I felt a "presence"… I glanced up and there at the "closed" window was a shadow in orange...then while putting the garbage in the bag the orange object moved! “What the heck?!!

Was this Ms. Karambana watching me through the window? Why??!! Did she hear me grumbling and cursing about the blinkin leaves that fall over here although I dont have any trees in my front yard??....or could it be Malata??!!! Hmmm… have not seen her in YEARS! Does she even live there anymore?

Well, for about 10 minutes the "person" watched and watched and as soon as I approached the fence to tear down some of the wisps that were strangling the fence the person/thing gradually closes the curtains but not fast enough because I saw her or him…right… Anyway, he or she kept my company for the 30 minutes I was there raking and picking up leaves... As soon as I came in on the carport and closed my grille, he or she left.

How creepy!!! Time for me to…MOVE!!!! Know anywhere nice and quiet without any dogs, cats or roosters? Someplace where there are no "watchers"? Please let me know!

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