Wednesday 23 January 2013


"I always feel like
Somebody is watching me
and I have no privacy…"
                - Rockwell

Okay so I have moved from Ernie Smith's Duppy or Gunman lyrics to Rockwell's Somebody's Watching Me song...bottom line is...I am being watched, not by a duppy or a gunman but...somebody! You see on my Wednesday routine of yard cleaning etc. I again felt like I was being watched. I looked to the spot where the last orange clad "watcher" was and sure enough the curtain was strategically pulled a little back but this time I did not see anybody - perhaps the watcher is dressed in black today!

I know it was not Mrs Karambana because, between the thick bushes and trees, I saw her walking outside on her driveway... Now as I moved along the side towards the back I noticed that lo and behold her windows were boarded up...actually pieces of zinc were strategically put across them thus nobody would be able to see anything unless he or she (equal rights in criminal activities too) has x-ray vision a la Superman or climbs to the who on earth would want to climb to the top??? Perhaps there is a peeping tom in the neighbourhood? I guess it’s time to bring out the "No Trespassing" sign. No, writing on a piece of cardboard or on cartridge paper with a red marker is just not feasible especially with our type of weather.

By the time I came back to the front hauling a bag of leaves that weighed more than I do, my extra eyes were...gone??!!

That aside, the chore was going fairly well until the attack! Yes, while the JDF helicopter was hovering around I felt the first the time I dropped the rake and bent low to investigate another one - this time the pain shot up my leg! Yes, I was under serious attack from the ANTS!!   Now, I have heard we have different types of ants - red ants, mad ants, biting ants --as far as I know they all bite!! My legs felt like they were on fire!!! How could they have gotten over my sneakers and under long pants  so quickly!!! Took me a few minutes of jumping, shaking my leg - throwing off my sneakers and scratching like mad to get rid of the first set of troops and send them into retreat!

What I did not realize was that it was a combined attack - you know like NATO?? -- So while I felt good about getting rid of the ants in an instant I was attacked by a swarm of big, black kamikaze MOSQUITOES!! Who would have thought?? They launched an air attack coming in from the rear at first and then full scale attack from all directions! Schucks! I had to be wielding my hands (even with the rake); slapping my face…cussing and carrying on like a mad woman! 
Decided I really needed to get inside ASAP and that I did!!! I could not risk for them to call in reinforcements in the form of WASPS ...and we know those are the REAL killers!!! RETREAT!!! I told myself!!! Hurry up!!!!!!!!!
So I hurried up and put the trash out and ran inside - to shower to cool my burning wounds. The agony of defeat! I was a wounded soldier.

Now, you all must have heard about Occupy Wall Street? Well, just so that you know I have found "Occupy Kingston”.

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