Friday 17 May 2013

Of Kisses...

“Kiss mi neck!! A really deh so di blinkin’ eeediat leave di machete?!!!” the angry woman shouted, bending to retrieve a machete protruding in the front lawn.

“Eeeeeeh? From mawning mi a tear down di place a look fi di machete and look where Wilbert leave it! Right inna di lawn! Hanybody can just pick it up and attack mi in a mi own yard!” her face was bright crimson and I figured that it was not only attributable to the heat of the sun.

“Why don’t you speak to him Ms. Gloria, explain that he must put it back in the storeroom after he is finished” the young woman said.

“Speak to him? Speak to him? How many time mi “speak” to him already? Mi tyad fi talk to him, look like him deaf or daft or both! If I ever see him now I feel like I would just tek it and gi him two %$**** SLAP wid it …cho!!!”

I find myself wondering if we share the same gardener! You see, the gardener NEVER puts things back where they belong – EVER – you waste precious time looking for tools that were NOT put back where they should have been. So forgetful! I wonder if that has anything to do with working long hours outdoors….hmmmmmmm. Anyway, I understand “Ms. Gloria’s” anguish as I have felt like knocking out the gardener many times before….

Another thing, this expression “Kiss mi neck” – an “old-time” phrase, is a bit puzzling to me as to its origin. Can someone enlighten me please? A few years ago a friend – a Spanish speaking native – was in the island on a project. He came to me one evening extremely bewildered because he heard the expression earlier in the day at the site. Apparently one of the locals, while conversing with another, said “Kiss mi neck!” My friend, who was standing right next to him looked and said “Keesss your neck? You want me to keeess  your neck? I don’t know hombre but where I come from one man do not keesss the neck of other man, I no keesss your neck!!!”
He did not understand why they were all laughing. I explained as best as I could (and with a straight face) that it was not a literal expression but sadly I could not tell him anything about its origin. Nevertheless I pointed out that the island has the reputation of being homophobic so he does not have to worry about a man just approaching him and asking for a kiss on the neck….

I must admit that I found his story quite funny…we are such a funny set of folks!

For example, while in the plazas yesterday I saw a beggar making his way towards the car. I have seen him on previous occasions and so I knew his story beforehand.  As soon as I was turning to close the door I saw that he was making a bee-line ….hmmmmmmm….he changed his mind. Then I realized why. There was a security guard, baton in hand, in pursuit and telling him to leave the property.

“Yuh deh everywhere, leave from here and stop molest di customers dem!!” the security said in a stern voice.

“Mi nah molest nobaddy, mi just a look a change bredrin” replied the beggar.

“Look how faaar yuh come from come all di way up yah so a beg!! You a come from downtown! Why yuh never go a Bank of Jamaica go beg, eeeh? You all pass Ministry of Finance before you reach yah!!!” the security’s voice was getting louder now.
Bank of Jamaica
“Yuh mad? Me can’t go dem place deh fi beg!!” the beggar responded incredulously.

“A Ministry of Finance and dem place deh you need fi go beg ‘cause a dem have di money! DON’T come back over here and mek mi catch you!!! You hear??!!!!!” the security was quite unyielding as he held the baton in the air and the beggar left hastily.

Even as I chuckle to myself, I cannot help musing over the exchange and wonder IF any beggars have ever tried begging at the Ministry of Finance or the Bank of Jamaica…

Ministry of Finance

Wednesday 1 May 2013

The Return...

Здравствуйте как поживаете?

Guten tag, Wie geht es Ihnen? 

Hej, hur mår du?

Привіт, як справи?

Hey, what’s up?

Greetings everyone!!! 

Firstly, I wish to send special greetings to the loyal readers from Russia, Ukraine, Germany and Sweden.

I am particularly impressed because English is not the mother tongue of the aforementioned readers and I wonder how the dickance dem understand when Ellie lapses into di patwah!! Of course, I am also appreciative of my fellow citizens of Jamrock, the “fans” in the U.S.A, Canada and the United Kingdom!

Could it be that the reader(s) are actually Jamaicans residing in those countries?? Or, could they just be individuals genuinely interested in finding out all they can about us? Hmmmmmm…we are a fascinating set of people!

Even so, try as I may, I still cannot figure out certain things that we do and find that I sometimes question whether we are a set of “mad people” or what?

How could a complete stranger, without the householder’s permission, enter a yard with a crocus bag or box, climb the mango, ackee, or breadfruit tree and strip it bare? 

If the owner of the house happens to catch the vagabond he will sheepishly state “Sorry boss, a jus’ a couple mango (or ackee…) mi pick, cause mi hungry…” – a “couple” in this case is more like a couple dozen that he will promptly sell!! It is no wonder that many homes now have Rottweiler, Pit bulls and other vicious mongrels guarding them.
Another thing that is puzzling, WHY do we wait for the last minute to do things and then expect “miracles” to happen?

Went to the pharmacy this morning and there were at least two persons at the dispensary ahead of me. So I took a seat and patiently waited because these things take time PLUS these pharmacists are not known to be the swiftest.

A woman dressed in teal and black came about 10 minutes after and handed in her prescription. She walked around viewing other items while talking on her cell phone.

Unbelievably after about 5 minutes she proceeded to the window to enquire if her prescription was ready! Wait a second. Surely she must have seen us! Of course it did not help that another woman was complaining how long she was waiting and that her bosses were going to fire her.

“Excuse me, is my prescription ready?? I didn’t know that it would take so long…” she asked.
“Miss, there are a few persons ahead of you” the pharmacist replied.
“Will I be next?”
“You are third in line”
“Oh no! I can’t wait, that is too long. I am trying to catch a plane” she said perhaps hoping that the pharmacist would do her a favor and push her prescription up front.

“GAWD, just give it back to me, I can’t wait, I have to catch the plane” she mumbled.

Question: WHY did she wait until so close to departure time to go to fill a prescription?!!

After I left the pharmacy, I walked past a fairly decently clothed man seated on an old, half broken white bucket who seemed to have been in deep conversation with “someone” visible only to him…perhaps it’s his “imaginary friend”. His slurred speech, blood shot eyes and the strong smell of “Wray and Nephew” convinced me that this man spent the prior evening/night drinking. Maybe we should put out some public education ads/billboards that would say something like “It’s 9:30 a.m do you know where your drunk husband, father or boyfriend is?”

Thankfully one of my regular shuttle taxis stopped at my feet and I hopped in.

“Lawd Jeezas driver, no badda ‘top again, mi want pee bad, bad so hurry up” said the woman in the front seat.

“Den mek yuh haffi a keep up yuh urine so long fah? It nuh good fi do dat!!! Unnoo mus’ let it out and stop a hold it up! When unoo get owl a dat time u have weak bladder!” replied the wise old taxi man.

“But wha’ yuh want we fi do? Sometimes yuh not near any bathroom!” the other female passenger chimed in.

“But it is a very bad thing fi do! A truth me a tell u, yuh not to store it up!!!” he replied

“So yuh expec’ wi fi ‘top a street side and bend down and pee pee? Dem days done!!! Dat a when you a come from country and yuh beg di driver fi ‘top and all di ooman dem run go out a di bush go bend down!” the woman in the front said.

“But see yah!! Yuh tink we stay like unoo man wha’ jus’ stand up anywhere and piss?” the other woman asked.

“Woooiii, well, a true woman have more shame dan we fi true! Yuh did know dat woman dawg no pee pee in public? She always go one side but di man dawg dem just cock up dem foot and piss anywhere, especially car wheel! As a matter a fact, dem wi' even piss pon yuh foot if you not careful” the taxi man conceded.

“Driver, remember my stop please” I asked quietly, a bit nervous for the woman in the front seat who desperately needed to relieve herself.

Red Coat Plums

I could not wait to reach home myself... I had a some juicy red coat plums to eat! YUMMY!