Tuesday 6 August 2013

Beauty Contests...

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

A couple of weeks ago I overheard two men engaged in a rather “lively” conversation concerning a news item.

“You mean sey dat a big, big politician like dat no ha’ nuttin’ better fi do wid him time but a comment ‘bout di beauty queen dem?” the man with the cornrow hairstyle and sunglasses asked shaking his head in obvious disbelief.

“A dat we a pay dem fi do! Fi WASTE WI TAX DOLLARS! Before him go look ‘bout di nation business; go fix di pothole and bad road dem and create some job fi di yute dem inna ‘im constituency ‘im a talk ‘bout who no shape good!! Massa Gad help wi inna dis yah country!! Look what ‘im a focus pon?! Eeeh??? Big Member of Parliament like dat a talk say di gurl shape like di Jamaican economy to #$%%&***#!!!” replied the older gentleman with a washed-out red towel over his head.

“See it deh! ‘im have to apologize to di young lady ‘cause dat a pure careless talk fi one leader! And even ef she nuh shape good a she dem gi di best figure prize!!!” the younger man said.

Were it not for this exchange and reading a subsequent newspaper article, I would have remained totally clueless as to what was taking place. The reason is, I had stopped watching or following up local and international beauty contests for about a decade or so believe it or not. Although my little island has a record of producing winners and top ranked contestants in the Miss World and Miss Universe contests, I personally thought there was a general “decline” in the “caliber” of contestants, some were actually “ugly” and the contests seemed superficial and boring.
Even the introduction of the phrase “Beauty with a purpose” did not change my view or rekindle my zeal for watching the contests. Folks seem to forget that these are BEAUTY CONTESTS! The contestant is supposed to be BEAUTIFUL AND have “purpose” and “brains”. However, these are not intellectual contests and so even if you are a doctor, lawyer or Indian chief, if you are “not” beautiful then please DON’T enter the contests!!

Yes, I know it seems as if my color is “green” from envy of the “beauties” but I actually am not. Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder and some beholders need glasses, truth be told! I am almost CERTAIN some of the contestants were “tricked” by “well meaning” family and friends! N-E-V-E-R  E-V-E-R listen to family and friends as they love you “unconditionally” and will tell you anything and everything to boost your self-esteem and/or ego. How many times have you heard the contestants say “my family and friends encouraged me to enter”?

Many years ago, I knew a young lady who somehow thought she was beauty queen material. Without sounding too mean I often wondered WHY or better yet WHO was telling her that she had a chance of winning? She was an AVERAGE looking girl who with make-up looked attractive enough but NOT pretty. She was not eloquent or very intelligent whereby you could overlook what she lacked in the “looks” department. Without exaggeration, she entered every conceivable contest and always dropped out without even making the top ten. Worse of all it was costing her as she had to be buying outfits etc. She FINALLY got the drift when she was unsuccessful in the Festival Queen competition!

Clearly Ellie is not beauty contest material by even a stretch of the imagination…let’s just say “I am beautiful on the inside” besides my being an outspoken individual and not always “politically correct” would not augur well for an aspiring contestant. For example, one recurring question is/was “Why did you enter the contest?” The response invariably is: “To get some exposure”. What sort of exposure, I wonder? Of course, parading on stage before hundreds of persons decked in bikini and high heels; that seems to be enough exposure alright!!!!

If I were a contestant and was asked that question, I would look the interviewer in the eye and without batting an eyelid respond: “I am in it for THE MONEY! The cash prizes; the car; the chance to travel all over the world, that’s why I entered!!”

Anyway, these contestants should all be rewarded for their bravery as the hecklers in the crowd can be a mean bunch!

People are like stained - glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in; their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.
                                    Elisabeth Kubler-Ross